Hand Crafted Antennas or OTS Antenna Validation
Designing Antennas in applicable fields and frequencies
millimeter wave, 5G, 4G, LTE, ISM bands, Cellular, Bluetooth, RFID, GPS, LoRa, Zigbee, Low Power, High Gain, Custom Shapes in complex spaces
Home ยปAntenna Design and Validation Services
Handcrafted Antennas
off-the-shelf (OTS) Antennas
Antenna Testing Services
Read about the major benefits of using our bench top antenna designs or validation of off-the-shelf antennas from major manufactures.
Hand Crafted Antenna Design Benefits
- Rapid prototyping which can be more cost-effective vs simulations
- Highly customizable for any package including micro-sized devices
- Swift and fast design evolutions paired with VNA measurements
- Easily design around complex shapes and curvatures
- Large material selections to include conductive radiators, ferrites and coax cables
- Optimization of the RF chain including baluns, and matching components
- Advanced designs such as: beam-forming antenna arrays, dual polarized antennas, multi-band antennas, embedded designs and balanced or differentially fed antennas,
Antennas from Major Manufactures
- The ability to work with all Off-the-shelf OTS antennas from every manufacturer
- Quickly validate return-loss, coupling and efficiency metrics
- Explore different antenna positions and mounting locations with VNA measurements to increase confidence levels
- Readily work with non-disclosure agreements for modifications to manufacturer designs
- Provide turnkey antenna solutions or help facilitate the manufacturing process with the manufacturer of your choice
Antenna Testing Services
- S-parameters 100 kHz – 20 GHz
- VSWR, Gain and Efficiency plots
- Directivity
- Phase Measurements
- Cross and Co-polarization
- 2D & 3D radiation patterns
- Conducted, Radiated & over-the-air (OTA)
- TRP (Total Radiated Power)
- TIS (Total Isotropic Sensitivity)
- EIRP (Effective Isotropic Radiated Power)
- EIS (Effective Isotropic Sensitivity)
- Certified human equivalent phantoms/mannequins available
View some of our Gain, efficiency and s-parameter plots at our Measurement and Testing page